Calculator - savings from EV

Savings from EV
Strictly use the same units for Currency/Gasoline/Distance
#Step 1: Cost of electricity unit and gasoline(petrol, diesel) unit
Cost of Electricity per kWh,$€£¥₹:
Cost of gasoline per lt/gal:
#Step 2: Your vehicle usage per year
Daily usage of Vehicle,km/mi:
Weekly Usage,days:
Distance run by vehicle per year,km/mi:
#Step 3: Lifetime of Vehicle you will be using
Years of usage:
Total distance run by vehicle,km/mi:
#Step 4: For calculating efficiency of Vehicle
1. Electric Vehicle
Distance covered per charge,km/mi:
Battery Capacity,kWh:
2. Gasoline Vehicle
Distance covered per unit,km/mi:
Gasoline unit,lt/gal:
#Step 5: Running Cost of Vehicle (How much you pay)
For Electric Vehicle:
For Gasoline Vehicle:
#Step 6: Maintenance Cost for all the years
For electric vehicle,$€£¥₹:
For gasoline vehicle,$€£¥₹:
#Step 7: Savings on EV for all the years?
Without Maintenance Cost,$€£¥₹:
With Maintenance Cost,$€£¥₹:
#Step 8: How much you spend atlast?
Cost of electric vehicle,$€£¥₹:
Subsidy on electric vehicle,$€£¥₹:
Cost of gasoline vehicle,$€£¥₹:
Spending on Electric vehicle,$€£¥₹:
Spending on Normal vehicle,$€£¥₹:
So finally lets find that you save or lose,$€£¥₹:
+ve indicates you gain and -ve indicate loss
#Step 9: Saving for Earth/CO2 gas emission/Carbon Foot Print
CO2 release per unit of gasoline,kg:
Total CO2 saved,kWh:


  1. Efficient EV charging solutions are essential for sustainable mobility, and platforms like offer valuable insights on charging costs and benefits. Lower ev charging charges, faster charging speeds, and eco-friendly energy sources are reshaping how electric vehicle owners plan their journeys. Discussing innovative technologies like Schneider’s EcoStruxure can further enhance understanding of integrated energy management. As EV adoption grows, sharing knowledge about smart charging networks, cost optimization, and green energy integration helps build a connected community, fostering sustainable progress for everyone.


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