Topic 6 - How to Store Li-ion Cells Properly

 Objective: By the end of this topic, you will understand the importance of proper storage for Li-ion cells and learn valuable tips on how to store them correctly.

Preserve the Power: Proper Storage for Li-ion Cells

Proper storage is crucial to maintain the health and longevity of Li-ion cells. Improper storage can lead to capacity loss, reduced cycle life, and even safety risks. Follow these expert tips to store Li-ion cells correctly:

Storage Tips

  1. Cool and dry environment: Store Li-ion cells in a cool (below 20°C/68°F), dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture.
  2. Avoid extreme temperatures: Never store Li-ion cells in extremely hot (above 30°C/86°F) or cold (below -20°C/-4°F) environments.
  3. Optimal charge level: Store Li-ion cells with a moderate charge level (around 50%) to minimize capacity loss.
  4. Physical stress prevention: Store Li-ion cells in a way that prevents physical stress, such as bending, crushing, or puncturing.
  5. Humidity protection: Store Li-ion cells in airtight containers or bags to protect from humidity and moisture.
  6. Label and date: Label and date stored Li-ion cells to ensure you use the oldest ones first.

Additional Tips

  • Original packaging: Store Li-ion cells in their original packaging, if possible, to protect from physical damage.
  • Separate storage: Store Li-ion cells separately from other battery types to prevent chemical reactions.
  • Regular monitoring: Regularly check storage conditions to ensure they remain suitable for Li-ion cells.

Store with Care

By following these storage tips, you can help maintain the health and longevity of your Li-ion cells. Remember to always handle Li-ion cells with care and attention to ensure safe and optimal performance.


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Storage Conditions and its effects on Lithium-Ion battery
